Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to reality

It was a fluke. She slept well last night, but not all the way through. Oh well, it was a nice treat, even if it wasn't the beginning of a new phase.


Maia said...

I hope it "takes" soon. I can't tell you the relief we felt the day that QQ got over her jetlag. It was really untenable before that. She did relapse once, but since then (knock on something)......

Alicia said...

Well she probably figures you won't appreciate it if it just happens all at once...she's just easing you into it. :)

cathy said...

Maybe every other night? Or every third night? Eeee gads I remember those days (although they never go away as my 7 year old wakes up every night with nightmares). But the getting up and changing diapers and feeding--it's so mind numbing. I remember how happy I was if just once a week a baby would sleep well and I could get "caught up" on rest. Fingers crossed!!!

lisa said...

So sorry-we had bloodcurdling screaming last night-not at all the same thing, of course, but the sleep patterns do seem to keep recycling after weeks of peace. ~lmc