Friday, January 8, 2010

Places 4-year-olds should be banned

Modern design stores. Because if they aren't, they'll decide things like lime green rollerskates would look much better on the floor than on that table, but they won't have the strength to get them down without dropping them (since they're actually doorstops and are made of resin). And then when the rollerskate drops and breaks, the 4-year-old's mom will be forced to pay $100 for it. Seeing as how it's "art" and all.

So that's $100 out of the college fund. Actually, make it $120, because mama needs a bottle of wine.


Christina said...

If they're doorstops, what the hell were they doing on a table? He was only putting it where they said it should go. So...where is that fantastic piece of art(?) going to go?

Mark and Sarah said...

The nerve of them...$100 for a poor mama whose child was just appreciating the art!? Ridiculous.

Cindy said...

Oh no! I am super surprised they made you pay for it. Psst!!

Mama Papaya said...

You have lived my recurring nightmare. Enjoy that wine.

Alicia said...

Well, at least now you have that lime green resin rollerskate you've always wanted... :/

Stormy said...

Oh, no! I hope you got your bottle of wine ...

Anonymous said...

So I finally got around to looking this up, and apparently it can be a bookend, a doorstop, a 1970s fetish object. Or a broken piece of junky resin. It's all in the eye of the beholder.